Being the Change We Want To See
Being the Change We Want To See
God's Way Ministry- taking action and helping people.
We provide skills, opportunities, and encouragement to equip individuals to recognize and utilize their unique talents to lead satisfying and meaningful lives.
Important Updates

Local Mission
For the last few years, God's Way Ministry has been committed to helping the Lynchburg community. Local missions have consisted of serving at the local Salvation Army, cleaning senior citizens' yards, and giving out food, clothing, and hygiene products.
In recent years, the residents of Lynchburg have seen an increase of people living on the streets and in the wooded areas. It is our responsibility to share the gospel and to help God's children.
Matthew 25 tells us as the body of Christ, that as much as we have done it unto those who are in need we have done it unto Jesus Christ.
Our President, Shaffon Jones, has a heart for God's people and is a hands-on leader. Please join us in serving Lynchburg and surrounding areas.

Foreign Mission
Proverbs 16:3 ESV states, "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” God's Way Ministry's Missions Team has committed our work and plans to the Lord. We have served in Kingston, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Currently, we are praying for God to show us where to plant. We believe it is our duty as Christians to share the gospel to those who are lost. It is only through a risen savior, Jesus Christ, that a person can be saved. So, we have chosen to share the gospel of Jesus Christ where He sends us.
Our prayer is that the angels of God will protect us, even as they did in 2 Kings 6:17-20 and that the blood of Jesus covers us. We step out on faith to do the great commission. We believe God to do everything that He has spoken over us, and we shall see people come to Jesus on bending knees with open hearts.
For those of you who often say something is missing in my life, I encourage you to join us on the mission field for Jesus.