On June 6, 2023, a team of six from God's Way Ministry, will go to Kingston, Jamaica, to serve the community and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the last four months, we have been preparing, praying, and having classes. Our topics have covered everything from leading people to salvation to making sure our hearts and minds are purified with the word of God. We are accepting donations that will help pay for feeding and painting projects in Jamaica. You can give right on this site by clicking the donation key.
This will be my third short term mission's trip. I cannot explain the fullness that I experience every time I go into the field of harvest. There is such a presence of God that is unexplainable. Sharing the love of God and being his hands and feet in the earth realm is a place of completeness. Even when there have been times of fear, I knew God had us covered with the blood of Jesus. So, as we prepare to go to this new ground, please pray the blood of Jesus to cover us and the spirit of God to lead and guide us.
Be sure to come back and read the June blog when I share pictures and our experience.
Elder Larvail